By | January 25, 2023
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tn freedom fighters quiz



Total Questions : 17

1 / 17

Who passed the first revolution of National Congress?

2 / 17

Who renounced his knighthood to support Besant?

3 / 17

When Annie Besant published a book "How India Wrought for freedom"?

4 / 17

"Better bullock carts and freedom than a train deluxe with subjection"

5 / 17

In 1947, he was appointed the first Governor of West Bengal in 1959, who founded the Swatantra Party along with Murari Vaidya and Minu Masani?

6 / 17

Which year kannamma participated in picketing toddy shops in Erode along with Nagammai?

7 / 17

A book called "My Experience as a Legislator" is about whom?

8 / 17

After the major leader were arrested, who became the leader of the Agitation for Removal of Neill Statue (1927)  in September

9 / 17

Who is the female leader of Self Respect Movement 1925?

10 / 17

Who was the first woman from south India to take part in the Non - Cooperation Movement in 1921?

11 / 17

"Law and rules are only for the people. People are not for the law and the rules." who said this statement?

12 / 17

Commemorating his sacrifice, the government of India issued a postal stamp in October 2004 . who is that freedom fighter?

13 / 17

In which jail was Kamaraj imprisoned for  participating in the Quit India Movement?

14 / 17

Who gave the slogan "Go back Simon" during the visit of Simon Commisssion?

15 / 17

Which of the following movement was the entry point of Kamaraj into the freedom struggle?

16 / 17

Whose autobiography is ttled as "Naa Jeevitha Yatra" (My Life's Journey)?

17 / 17

Who among the following was not a signatory to the Poona Pact of 1932?

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